
Tuesday, 25 January 2011

I hate to repeat myself but the movie is great.....

Mask In Progress

Back View


Front 3/4 View

Front View

Side View

I realise I've posted images of this mask already but I think you'll agree the quality of these images is ten thousand times better.  I also really like the movie and I think Guillermo del Toro is a great director with a wicked imagination so no harm to mention it again.

I don't have a lot of news but I do have a lot going on.  At the moment I am busy with my Graded Unit project for college.  Usually the units we study are graded simply a pass or fail but this one will have a proper grade which will go on my Diploma once I graduate - so quite important then.

For this project we have to produce a design proposal for a piece of abstract/semi-abstract sculpture that will be placed at the entrance to the New Transport Museum in Glasgow.  The building has just been finished and I believe it opens sometime soon in the spring.  It is a funky modern design by Zaha Hadid.  It's an interesting project and a definite challenge but at the moment in the thick of it, it's a bit of a brain melt.

I am currently producing a series of sketch models trying to find the right design for my final model.  Our design has to be based on the title 'Mans love affair with Transport'.  From that I have taken my interpretation of transport and my designs are now all exploring the concept of the transportation of the mind, as well as the body.  Once I've completed the project and done my presentation I'll post some images of the sketch models and the final piece.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Week One

Pan's Labyrinth Mask - Front view

Pan's Labyrinth Mask - Back View

Pan's Labyrinth Mask - Close Up

Pan's Labyrinth Mask in Progress

My life is crazy busy at the moment, I have a lot of college work to do as well as personal projects and the usual private life stuff. However, I'm going to take the time to make a quick post because I need the practice.

The images I posted last week are projects from my first year in college. The concept model was based on a design for a proposed new build for what is now City of Glasgow College. This is the new name of my college now that it has merged with Central College and the Glasgow College of Nautical Studies. I built this model with another student as part of a group project.

The doorway model was the last project I had for my NQ. It looks quite simple and basic but there were actually quite a lot of tricky elements in it, I was very glad once it was finished. I'm not a big fan of making architectural models.

This brings me to my pictures for this week. They are not the best quality, I'm hoping to upload better ones later but in the interest of progress I'm going to put these up as they are what I have right now. This is a theatre mask; the design was based on the movie Pan's Labyrinth. It is from a project we were given last year.

The brief was to choose a movie prop from a sci-fi, fantasy or horror movie and make a budget version for a stage adaptation. I chose Pan's Labyrinth because I love the movie. I think the mask turned out reasonably well although, if I was making it again there are things I'd do differently.  If I had time  I'd try and play around with material options a bit more, work a bit longer on the sculpt and experiment with the painting a bit more as well.  As with a lot of college projects timescale is a big factor that has a major impact on the end result.  This is why I intend on doing a lot more self-initiated projects, I believe it is the only way I'm going to properly progress my skills.

Monday, 10 January 2011

And So It Begins...

Doorway Architectural model

New College Build Proposal - Concept Model

Well folks here I am!  My name is Michelle and this blog is all about me getting out into the World Wide Web.  At the moment I am a Model Making student, but I will be working as a freelancer once I have finished the course I am on.  I realised that If this is what I want to do then I will have to get my ass in gear and get myself out there for people to see and discover.

This is quite a scary prospect but it is also really exciting. So, I am going to post work that I have done and stuff that I am working on at the moment and try to keep the blog updated regularly.

I will ask you to forgive me if my blog is a little higgly piggly in the beginning as I am very new to all this.  I'm hoping that people discover my blog, like what they see and ask me to do some commissioned work but we will just have to see.  In the meantime check out my current pictures and please feel free to leave comments - hopefully i'll be adding some more pics soon...